Sleep Disorders:
Do you have any problem getting to sleep?
Sleep walking:
When do most people usually outgrow this condition?
What is the behavior characterized by?
What ‘triggers’ (causes) sleep walking?
What does Dr. Judith Owens specialize in?
What does she say about sleepwalkers?
What did Owen’s suggest Michael do?
What did it help Michael do?
What was discovered?
What was the treatment for Michael?
chronic, adolescence, episodes, bolt, screaming, yelling
rip, shatter, appeared, parasomnia, night terrors, charting
cause, consistent basis, caffeinated, anxiety, deprivation,
results, immediate, restful, plentiful, travel free
Parasomnia, which means "around sleep," includes sleepwalking, night terrors, bedwetting, and narcolepsy.
Also available through i-tunes music store, Discovery Channel - Night Terrors, 2/05/2006
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