Sunday, January 21, 2007

Gattaca - There is no gene for the human spirit

Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman & Jude Law
This week we are going to watch a movie set in the future. It is about manipulating genes to create perfect people.
Please think about the following questions/issues...

What do you know about DNA?
What is a DNA strand?
What is a chromosome?
Have you recently read or heard about a situation in which DNA testing was used?
What is DNA testing used for?
Explain the positive and the negative uses of DNA testing...
How is DNA fingerprinting done?

During a scene in Gattaca, Vincent’s parents visited a doctor who specialized in child conception to select the best traits for his future brother. They hoped that his brother would have the best possible chances for a successful life. Some of the traits mentioned in GATTACA included intelligence, height and any possibility of inheritable diseases.
If you decide to have a child one day and are given the opportunity to select for special traits, would you do so? Why or why not?

During a gala party scene in GATTACA, a woman submits a saliva sample from a recent kiss to screen her potential boyfriend/husband’s DNA. Is she violating his rights by doing this without his knowledge? Is this in anyway similar to performing a background check? How much would a DNA screen reveal about someone’s personality and intelligence?

Knowledge of one’s genetic information could affect the price of insurance. Insurance companies operate on a risk assessment basis, where individuals with a greater potential (possibility) of developing health complications are charged more than individuals who are deemed (thought of as) healthy. With current advancements in genetic testing, there is the potential (possibility) to favor those with “good genes.” It is quite possible that people classified (grouped) as high risk individuals may be denied (left without) the opportunity to purchase insurance. Do you think this is right?

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Fawlty Towers

Fawlty Towers?
We will be watching an episode of Fawlty Towers tomorrow. Take some time to review the following vocabulary, phrases, and questions...


Lend her assistance with her reservation.
I specifically asked for…
Would you get Mr. ~ his Bill?
Avenue of pleasure
It’s a disgrace!
I asked for a room with a view?
I expect a reduction.
Hearing aid
The battery runs down.
Betting shop
It’s lovely
I’ve never met such insolence
I can explain
I’ll have some sent up to your room immediately.
I had a bit of luck on the GG’S…
You seem very Jolly, Basil!
Only with you, the light of my life…
You know nothing…
Knit wit
Frightful state
Are you sure you can manage?
I passed the betting shop, and I said why not?
What was the name of the horse? Oh, I’ve gone blank.
If I find out the money on that horse was yours, you know what I’ll do?
Memorial service/Remembrance service
She’s a bit suspicious!
“Mums the word!”
We’ve been cut off (telephone)
He was one of those/pansy.
Good God, it’s gone!
We’ll have a whip around.
You’re completely loopy!
What rubbish!
Give her 10 pounds from the till!
I’m going to give her the shirt off my back, too!
I’m up on the money.

1. Why was Polly annoyed with the elderly Lady?

2. Why do you think the audience laughed when Polly gave Manuel (the porter) his instructions?

3. What misunderstanding did the elderly woman and Manuel have?

4. What is the pun with the word faulty and Mr. Faulty’s name?

5. What is the difference between a manager and an owner?

6. Why does she want a discount?

7. What mistake did Polly make about paper?

8. Why does Mr. Fawlty become frustrated with the elderly lady (

9. What mistake did Manuel make with the toilet rolls?

10. Why does Basil say to Manuel, “You know nothing…”

11. What mistake did Manuel make about the word, “eventually”?

12. Why don’t they call the police?

13. Why doesn’t Basil want his wife to speak to Polly about the money?

14. What communication problem did Basil and Manuel have?

15. Why is Basil happy about finding Mrs. Richards money?

16. How did Cybil find out about the money Basil won on the horse?

Discussion questions
*What was the most interesting part of the episode?
*What is the difference between British humor and Japanese humor?
*What was the most difficult to understand?
*What was the easiest to understand?

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

What is a Geek? (click here)

What is a Geek? Who is a Geek? Am I a Geek? Listen to this lecture an discover if your are a Geek or not?
Entry 1: Geeks
Beyond True Stories by Sandra Heyer, Unit 3, page 47 & 49
Read by Steven Mondy

For class, try to define what is Japanese Otaku? Try to compare it to the English word Geek? What are the differences/similarities?

Check out the following resources...

Google Search: What is a Geek?

Wise Geek


Personality Test